Lecturer and language teacher
Eligijus D. Duonys
Eligijus D. Duonys has been a lecturer on Philosophy and History of Culture at university for many years. Now he enjoys working alongside me and teaching Lithuanian. See what his students say about the language sessions with Eligijus:

When I started to learn Lithuanian, to be honest, I didn't expect, that after one year and half I will be still learning it. I knew, that it won't be easy and I hoped, that in the best case I will learn at least a little bit, just some basics.
Thanks to Eligijus, now I am waiting for every lesson and I miss them, when I have less time and I am forced to skip some lessons. With every lesson I want to learn more and more (and now learning Lithuanian doesn't seem difficult :)) and I can already "survive" in my trips to Lithuania only with Lithuanian language.
Lithuanian lessons with Eligijus are interesting, useful and flexible.
We are changing tasks and materials from time to time, so that it wouldn't become boring.
And, if I need, we adapt the lesson to the topics or tasks, in which I am interested or which I need more.
The most valuable to me is, that we are speaking in the lessons as much as possible and it gives also confidence to use language in "real life".
Also for me very important is flexibility in arranging lessons - it's always possible to change timetable, how it's more convenient for me - to skip or to add more some lessons, to change time, if it's necessary.
Eligijus is very, very patient (even, if sometimes I am not :)) teacher with good sense of humor, so I couldn't imagine better way for learning Lithuanian! Labai ačiū! :)
Edite Šnepste, LATVIA

I took Lithuanian lessons with Eligijus for several months. Due to his personality and his attractive teaching style, I became motivated to learn the language and I loved it. As I am abroad, we conducted our lessons through Skype which has never been an issue.
Eligijus paid his full attention to every detail and he followed and improved my learning pattern by giving me a lot of advice and extra learning materials. He guided me very smoothly through the learning journey and he used very brilliant ways to let me get the most out of my lessons. Eligijus has always been very concentrating to my learning needs.
The used book and the accompaniment audio files are incredibly well done. The included exercises are comprehensive and help to practice the different components of language.
Eligijus is very experienced in the field and he is also very friendly! Although the Lithuanian is beautiful, it needs a lot of work to learn. With pleasure, I would recommend Eligijus to anyone who wants to learn it very effectively.
Dani Zeniieh, GERMANY

I would like to give Eligijus the highest recommendation for teaching the Lithuanian language. I have been taking lessons for over a year with him. I decided to learn Lithuanian years ago and tried the apps and other books.
I did learn vocabulary but did not actually understand how to put it together. Eligijus advanced my learning by leaps and bounds with only 1 hour a week of lessons. His great demeanor and patient teaching style made the lessons fun and interesting.
We recently spent a month in Vilnius and I was surprised just how much we had learned. Short of complete immersion I cannot think of a better way to learn the language.
Gary Mockus, USA

Eligijus is an excellent teacher. I have learned so much Lithuanian from him that I can now speak with my Lithuanian relatives in Lithuania with ease. I highly recommend Eligijus to anyone interested in learning the Lithuanian language.
Paul Buchholz, USA

Time flies and it's already been 2 years since I'm learning Lithuanian with Eligijus. After the first year I was very happy to continue learning, because my level of understanding has grown significantly. Now, after almost 2 years I can speak with my husband's family (which are from Žemaitija, so their Lithuanian is slightly different :D) and surely can manage my daily routine in the shops, cafes, banks, etc.
At the beginning it was hard to believe that you can learn to speak without tons of grammar exercises (“hello to old school which I used to”), but now I see the result and it's very exciting. Conversations with Eligijus are always interesting, topics vary a lot and an hour passes quickly. Learning materials (books) were prepared and published by Eligijus and Judita and I think it's an amazing opportunity to learn from such professionals.
Thank you very much and hope to see you next year!
Hana Matusevich, BELORUS

We were lucky enough to find Eligijus to be our instructor. His style is friendly, flexible, and always pleasant. The materials he uses authored by Judita are fantastic.
I offered my husband Lithuanian lessons as an early Christmas gift in 2020 and agreed to learn with him. Ultimately we decided we would learn with the goal to visit Lithuania, my husband's father's homeland, in December 2021 and be able to communicate the basics in Lithuanian.
We recently returned from a month-long visit to Lithuania. While in Lithuania, we encountered Judita's materials in local bookstores--they really are the best. I am especially grateful that I was able to thank Lithuanians for their hospitality and kindness in their native tongue.
If you want to learn Lithuanian and you would benefit from working with the premiere materials and an instructor who is both knowledgeable and approachable, you simply must work with Eligijus.
Dr. Valerie A. M., USA

I started learning Lithuanian in 2019 with Eligijus. We started learning the Lithuanian language from the alphabet, because I didn't understand anything in Lithuanian. In a short time, I began to understand Lithuanian and speak it.
At first, my lessons were held live, since I lived in Kaunas, after I moved to live in Vilnius, I took lessons remotely via Skype. I liked the lessons with Eligijus because during the lessons I felt comfortable and when something was not clear to me, he explained it to me in simple and understandable words.
In 2020, I entered Vilnius University at the Faculty of Medicine. Now I am studying in the Lithuanian group in the 4rd year. Lessons with Eligijus helped me a lot to understand the essence of the language and learn it without fear of failure.
Я начал изучать литовский язык в 2019 году с Элигиусом. Мы начали учить литовский язык с алфавита, потому что я ничего не понимал по-литовски. За короткое время я начал понимать литовский язык и говорить на нем.
Сначала мои уроки проходили вживую, так как я жил в Каунасе, после того как переехал жить в Вильнюс, брал уроки дистанционно по скайпу. Занятия с Элигиусом мне понравились тем, что на занятиях я чувствовал себя комфортно, а когда мне что-то было непонятно, мне это объясняли простыми и понятными словами.
В 2020 году я поступил в Вильнюсский университет на медицинский факультет. Сейчас учусь в литовской группе на 4 курсе. Уроки с Элигиусом очень помогли мне понять суть языка и выучить его, не опасаясь неудачи.